API (beta)

With the QueryBot API, you can use natural language for things such as:

  • Fetch the weather or the news
  • Find information on lesser known people
  • Get realtime prices of products
  • Get information at a specific date
  • And more.


You can test the API for free without an API key for up to 100 requests per month.

1 normal GPT query = 1 credit
1 Google-assisted query = 5 credits


For more, choose a plan above to receive your API key by email.

The API is available at https://api.querybot.ai/chat and accepts POST requests with a JSON body containing a chat array of messages, mimicking the original OpenAI chat API.

You can try it out using curl:

curl -X POST \
https://api.querybot.ai/v1/chat \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
-d '{
"chat": [
"content": "Hello",
"role": "user"

The response will be a JSON object containing a content property with the response message.

Need help? Ping @vincewt on Twitter.